Monday, August 29, 2011

As I Walked Out

As I walked out . . . . and left the dishes washed, the bills all paid and the beds made, the Way lay there already at my feet, the wanting to be walked.

Yesterday’s storm has abated but the white geese still dance on the crest of those rolling waves as they crash and foam into the harbour walls. The migrant birds in their thousands, floating, clinging together, awaiting that one signal from the leader to lift for other lands “It’s time to go. The sun is low. The fields are bare and we have food to seek in other hemispheres.”

As I walked out . . . . that signal came, “The time is right, the backpack’s ready, the boots are dancing, the poles can’t wait to expand on the slopes.”

As I walked out . . . . car, ferry, car, convent, car, hotel, plane, bus, train, legs.

As I walked out . . . . as a pilgrim.


Anniesantiago said...

What a beautiful, evocative post!
May you never hunger and never thirst as you walk The Way.
I'm so excited for all of you!
Have a Buen Camino!

ksam said...

absolutely the most beautiful post!